
Discover gigs, get paid easily.

Africa’s 1st web3 talent marketplace
Sign up and verify your account in simple steps
Explore exciting jobs and bid for them
Deliver on your job within the time frame
Get paid anywhere in the world.

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Get paid easily in Crypto, anywhere in the world.

Getting paid has never been this easy with our crypto-embedded payment system using multiple stable coins. Convert your earnings to your favorite fiat currency. No hidden charges!

Are you a business?

At Aya you have access to vetted talents and professionals. Access the best talents with just about any skill-set imaginable.


Location: Delaware, US
Specialties: Freelancers, GIG Economy, Crypto payments, Customer first, Startups, SMBs in Africa , B2B beyond Africa, and Talent Platform

© 2024 Aya Holdings Inc.